This is your LIFE.
1. A picture of mysterious origins. ;)

3. Meant to Live by Switchfoot
"The [general weighted average] is just a measure of being a good student. But does that make you a good person? Does that make you a productive member of society?... It’s not fair to (focus so much on) points... I kind of just forgot it because real life is different. That’s the UP spirit: not just brains, but also a big heart and the hand to serve." - Dr. Gert Gwendale Baron, GWA 1.03 (where perfect GWA = 1). From this article.
[Eric Schmidt, the executive chairman of Google] also said that Google had developed facial recognition technology but decided not to pursue it: “We built that technology, and we withheld it. As far as I know it’s the only technology Google has built, and, after looking at it, we decided to stop.” He explained that “I’m very concerned personally about the union of mobile tracking and face recognition,” fearing that it could be used “in a very bad way.”
Apparently Google’s “Don’t be evil” philosophy—that exact wording is apocryphal, by the way—still obtains. As does: Do make mistakes, but admit them. Which is, all in all, also a very good idea.