I won't give up on you;
I won't leave you.
Strength! Courage!
- God (The book of Joshua)
It's Monday... and one week to go before I go back to being a teacher and erstwhile-graduate-student.
So help me God, I will be brave.

Being brave means:
- taking responsibility for myself instead of blaming others;
- looking at the big picture and planning ahead;
- doing what I love and loving what I do;
- being unperturbed as I look towards the goal; and
- just putting that foot out already!
As a believer of Christ, being brave boils down to continuing to believe in Him. The war is already won; the victory is already assured! The only question is whose side we are on. :)
Interestingly, the BibleGateway Verse of the Day (found as a widget on the upper right side of this blog) reads:
However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me — the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace. (Acts 20:24)
In obeying God I am often overwhelmed or discouraged. Lord, please remind me that it is YOUR strength and power that enables me to live for You. Then it would be quite easy to be brave.
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