Tonight caps my "three-weddings-in-one-week" adventure. What have I learned?
* God will provide --- from money for a wedding (if it's His will), to someone to marry in the first place (again, if it's His will).
* I am honored to be invited to each friend's/relative's/co-worker's wedding: one of the most special days in their lives. To witness, to pray for, to share joy in. It is a privilege.
* Surprisingly, I feel no bitterness. I'm single and will be 30 in two months. Society dictates I should be panicking by now (and dating around instead of... *blogging*). But, it's OK. I'm walking with God and He's in control; He knows best.
* "There is no more condemnation for those in Christ." No more manipulation, guilt tripping, emotional blackmail, playing on insecurities, and defrauding. No more abuse. "All good things come from the Father." God-centered relationships are not perfect, of course, but may we recognize (and take action) if we are in a relationship that does us more harm than good. I would rather be single than in a relationship that displeases God and people. Well, prayer answered / wish granted --> I'm single now.
* I love people! These three weddings enabled me to hang out with three different sets: churchmates, family, and co-teachers. In particular, I love what my married co-teachers said: It's not about age, background, status.. It's about God, and who He'll send. Just pray. Wow. Amen.
* May the guests not just partake of the wedding; may they support the marriage too, for better or worse.
* I love food. I've said before that my goal for this year (and how many years before?) was to develop "the Spirit of self-control". Hmm. Tomorrow I'll exercise na, promise. ;)
* I'm looking forward to my own wedding, God-willing. Our Lord Jesus tells us that if we ask according to His will, He hears and answers. It turns out I still have a lot to learn about God's will, but on the plus side, at least I'm learning.
* Lastly, I should look forward to each day, single or not, approaching my wedding or not. "This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." There is a command to rejoice; it is an act of faith for those who wish their lives could be different. But God is good and great. Let's remember, and trust, and live each day to the full. Attend a wedding even.
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