[2011-03-16 Note: This is one of my posts about the 2010 Philippine elections, and particularly about my personal choices for president and vice president. This blog is about God, which supposedly transcends politics; but such political choices are extensions of my God-given wisdom and principles and my privilege (and responsibility) of choosing our next leader. By the way, they didn't win... but my votes are heard and counted.]

You can only discover a man’s true character and worth by seeing what he does in extreme adversities.Dick Gordon. He faced the sin and filth of Olongapo squarely and turned it into a model city. Pinatubo erupted and the Americans left the Subic Naval base, depriving his city of a means to make a living. He turned Subic into the country’s first Freeport. He turned Philippine tourism around at a time when it was the most difficult to convince foreigners to visit the country because of SARS, because of rebellion and terrorism. He turned around the Philippine National Red Cross, making it capable of responding to all sorts of disasters all over the country. As senator, he did the impossible — he pushed for the passage of a law that would end wholesale electoral fraud — RA9369 or the Amended Automated Election Law.
Pictures and text from http://manilareview.wordpress.com and http://facebook.com
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