Such A Time As This
“For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14).
The above words were spoken by Mordecai to Esther. Although the expression “Jehovah” or “God” is never mentioned in the book, it has been an example of God’s providence in caring for his people in captivity.
Mordecai is telling Queen Esther that God will deliver the Jews, but her position as queen may be the reason God has brought her to that position, to be Jehovah’s deliverer.
Sometimes survivors from a catastrophe, such as 9-11, a storm, or a war will wonder why they survived while others around them perished. They wonder if God has spared them so they can do some great thing. They go through life looking for that outstanding moment, but it never seems to come. In its absence, guilt sets in and the person wonders why they have missed out on doing what they were saved for.
Greatness does not always come in large packages. A smile that was given may have come at the right time for a stranger who needed it at that specific moment. A kind word may have meant more to the person receiving it than to the one who gave it. A person’s presence and a comforting arm around the shoulder of the person who was hurting emotionally, may have created a lasting memory to the receiver, but forgotten quickly by the giver. Yet, such small efforts on the part of the giver are outstanding moments not forgotten by the receiver.
In the words of Mordecai to Esther, “Who knows but that you have come to this outstanding moment for such a time as this?”
Use your moments wisely!
The above words were spoken by Mordecai to Esther. Although the expression “Jehovah” or “God” is never mentioned in the book, it has been an example of God’s providence in caring for his people in captivity.
Mordecai is telling Queen Esther that God will deliver the Jews, but her position as queen may be the reason God has brought her to that position, to be Jehovah’s deliverer.
Sometimes survivors from a catastrophe, such as 9-11, a storm, or a war will wonder why they survived while others around them perished. They wonder if God has spared them so they can do some great thing. They go through life looking for that outstanding moment, but it never seems to come. In its absence, guilt sets in and the person wonders why they have missed out on doing what they were saved for.
Greatness does not always come in large packages. A smile that was given may have come at the right time for a stranger who needed it at that specific moment. A kind word may have meant more to the person receiving it than to the one who gave it. A person’s presence and a comforting arm around the shoulder of the person who was hurting emotionally, may have created a lasting memory to the receiver, but forgotten quickly by the giver. Yet, such small efforts on the part of the giver are outstanding moments not forgotten by the receiver.
In the words of Mordecai to Esther, “Who knows but that you have come to this outstanding moment for such a time as this?”
Use your moments wisely!
and my comment (i had to include this because it's what i'm going through right now. very apt you see :) )
first off, happy 50th anniversary in your walk with God! ^_^
i salute you for your sharp yet loving insights about God and the present world we live in

i saw your article while going around the web for that wonderful passage in Esther
you see, i’m in an exciting time right now, being in an international interdisciplinary summer school as a researcher
my research is something i’ve been passionate about since i first encountered it, but it was only recently that i heard God’s call for me to continue in this field. (well, i had to make sure of course!
) and now God is positioning me within spheres of influence that i didn’t even know existed, through the field that has always been the desire of my heart, that He placed there in the first place!

all reasons to praise God
i’d just like to share that

thanks again and God bless! 

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