July 24, 2007

celebrating YOU :)

dear Father, help me to just worship and honor You.

i am happy that Jesus is my friend, that i can communicate with You anytime *i* wanted to...

but help me worship You

as my God and King.

help me serve You

according to *
Your* purposes

the major Will

the tiniest details

i submit to You



no more claims.

no more plans.

(of my own)

let Your will be done, Lord.

in my life as it is in heaven.

let Your Kingdom come

save us all, my God and King.

Lord, You have said

that neither death nor life

not angels nor demons


can separate us from Your love

i marvel...and yet i cannot fully comprehend

and i thank You that it is true

that i do not live in a world of worthless accident.

that i can be good and do good

ONLY because i put my complete trust in the good God.

Lord, i thank You for my life

for my 25 years of existence

for Your 25 years of being good, wonderful, great to me

thank You for a promised eternity that is far greater, way better, utterly richer than what i have experienced so far

thank You for always extending Your hand

even as i jumped wholeheartedly into sin, darkness and despair

thank You for graciously letting me decide for myself

yet never letting me go

so that when the time came

when i can't handle things anymore

You were there to break my fall.

i praise You God,

because there is nothing else that i can do

and on this, my day of birth,

there is nothing i can do but celebrate YOU.

thank You so much. i love You.


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