November 30, 2011

The God of my future

"My sheep hear My voice, I know them, and they follow Me."

My friend says, "The concept of a future husband is not biblical." I disagree. My whole life is oriented toward the plans that God has for me --- plans, to the best that I understand them. (Indeed, I should be anchored on God, not on the plans! But the point is I trust God, in what He has revealed, and in how I respond.) Thankfully I've never stopped being friends with the person who said that. God speaks (and we move) in different ways.

I don't know if God tells every person who to marry, what job to take, what country to live in... I can only speak for myself. He revealed many things many times, in that still small voice. And those revelations have only drawn me closer to Him.

I can also say that:
- it's not my will (I've gone through issues that I'd rather not have);
- nor self-delusion (well, let circumstances back my words up),
- nor my own knowledge (I usually see the wisdom of the Leader after I obeyed).
(Not that I'm required to justify how I live my life to other people --- it's not their business.)

Indeed, what is biblical? ==> The fact that God is acting on our behalf, and making it known to us! Is not the Bible a compilation of revelations about the past, present and future?

This blog is called "Teci's Testimony". Here I'm supposed to tell of how great, how good, and how amazing God is. Indeed He is great, He is good, He is amazing --- in my past, in my present, and in my future.

Some people advise not to speak about the "revelation" (in whatever area that is) until it already happened. But by then, what's the point? Isn't that silence a show of unbelief? ("I'll say it only when I'm sure, and I'll be sure only when it happens, *if* it happens...") And how would that convince others that "I am God, who speaks before it comes to pass, that you may know that I am He"?

There is a God, the God of Heaven and Earth,
I know because He made Himself known to me.
He redeemed my past
He is lighting my present
He knows my future
(and sometimes lets me in on it)

True, I don't have to say *everything*. For example, in matters of the heart, men are called to initiate and women are called to respond. Suffice it to say that God speaks to us for our welfare, and God speaks through us for the welfare of others.

In the future, I'll be able to say more
about what the God of my future has always known.

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