October 19, 2010

all around me

"His banner over me is love."
   - Song of Songs

"His faithfulness sings over me."
   - Hallelujah

"The Lord your God is with you
he is mighty to save.
He takes great delight in you,
he will quiet you with his love,
he will rejoice over you with singing."
   - Zephaniah


  1. Isn't it amazing the Lord of all the earth rejoices over us with singing! What a faithful, loving God we serve! He has redeemed us from the miry clay, and set our feet upon a rock! Praise Him! :)

    Your blog is very encouraging. Thank you!

  2. Truly amazing Courtney... It's so easy to worship when we remember who He is and how much He has already done for us and for others...

    Thanks for the encouragement. God bless you more!

  3. Miriam2:09 PM

    Teci! I visit your blog everyday. I believe that God has given you the gift of words, and that He uses you as an instrument to bring peace, comfort, hope and encouragement to His children. I will pray for you always, that you will continue, throughout your entire life, to let your light to shine before men, so that everyone will see your good deeds, and praise the Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16).

  4. Thank you for that gift of words too Miriam! :) God bless you :)
