A Prayer for Righteousness
I pray for righteousness, O God,
in our beloved Philippines,
in the land of our birth.
For so long we have looked
at what our leaders do, or not,
at what our leaders can, or not.
We are so quick to blame them
for everything that goes wrong;
We are so quick to forget
every good thing they have done.
Forgive us, O God,
we, the citizens of the Philippines.
Long have we pointed or overlooked
our leaders' transgressions
yet refuse to change our own ways.
Long have we blamed our leaders
without taking responsibility for our own misdeeds.
Long have we suffered, and know it,
yet choose every day
the easier way,
to continue the way of slaves.
I pray for Your righteousness, O God,
for our leaders,
but more importantly,
for the rest of us.
Enlighten and enable us to do right
as parents, as children,
as teachers, as students,
as workers, neighbors, friends,
as leaders, as followers,
as one nation.
Lead us to the right path, O God,
forgive us for going astray.
Be the light in our midst
in the work of our hands
in the fruit of our crops.
May we indeed honor and live for You,
our One True King.
Amen and Amen.
Photo credit: http://www.capetownskies.com/4370/15_sunrise_raysb.jpg
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