November 11, 2008

Eyewitness accounts of HELL and Present-day Prophecies

#1. "To Hell and Back" by Maurice Rawlings, MD

#2. Open Visions from Hell
from "A Divine Revelation of Hell" by Mary K Baxter

The Lord said, "This vision is for the future, and it will come to pass. But I shall return to redeem My bride, My church, and they shall not see it. Awaken, o My people I Sound the alarm to the comers of the earth, for I shall return as My Word has spoken."
I beheld the fiery serpent that was in the right arm of hell.

Jesus said, "Come, see what the Spirit is saying to the world."

I saw the horns of the fiery serpent as they entered the bodies of people on earth. Many were completely possessed by the serpent. As I watched, I saw a huge beast arise in a large place and turn into a man. The inhabitants of the earth ran from him, some into the
wilderness, some into caves, and some into subway stations and bomb shelters. They sought any shelter to hide from the eyes of the beast. No one was praising God or talking about Jesus.

A voice said to me, "Where are My people?"

I looked closer and saw people like dead men walking. There was a desperate sadness in the air, and no one turned to the right or left. I saw that the people were being led about by some unseen force. Now and then a voice spoke to them out of the air, and they obeyed
the voice. They did not talk to one another. I saw too that the number "666" was written on each one's forehead and on his hands. I saw soldiers on horses herding the people about as though they were cattle.

The American flag, tattered and torn, lay forlornly on the ground. There was no joy, no laughter, no happiness. I saw death and evil everywhere.

The people walked one behind another into a large department store. They kept in step like discouraged soldiers and were dressed identically in a type of prison garb. A fence surrounded the store, and guards were stationed here and there. Everywhere I looked, I
saw soldiers in battle-dress uniforms.

I saw these zombie-like people herded into the store, where they were able to buy only the barest necessities. As each completed his purchases, he was placed aboard a large green army truck. The truck, well-guarded, was then driven to another area.

Here, in a type of clinic, these people were examined for communicable diseases or crippling handicaps. A small number of them were shuffled to the side as rejects. Soon, those who failed the examination were taken to another room. In that room, an impressive array of switches, buttons and gages lined an entire wall. A door opened, and several technicians came in. One of them began to call the names of the people in the room. Without a struggle, they arose when their names were called and marched into a large box. When they were inside, another technician closed the door and pulled a switch in a panel on the wall.

A few minutes later he opened the door, took down a broom and dust pan, and swept what remained of them off the floor. Nothing but a bit of dust was left of what had once been a roomful of people!

I saw those people who passed the medical exam being put back into the same truck and driven, to a train. No one spoke or even turned to look at anyone else. At another building each person was assigned a job. They all went to work without a single dispute. I watched as they worked very hard at their assigned tasks, and then at the end of the day, they were taken to an apartment building with a high fence around it. Each undressed and went to bed. Tomorrow they would work hard again.

I heard a loud voice fill the night air. " I saw a huge beast, and he sat on a large, I throne. All the people obeyed the beast. I saw spiritual horns growing from his head. They reached, into and out of every place on earth. The beast took upon himself many positions of authority and many j offices, and he became great in power.

The beast pushed himself into many places and deceived many people. The rich and the famous were deceived as well as the poor and disfranchised. Small and great paid homage to the beast.

A large machine was brought into an office. The beast put his mark on it, and his voice came out of it. There was also a "big brother" machine that could see into homes and businesses. Only a single machine of this type existed, and it belonged to the beast. The
part of the machine that was located in the homes of the people was invisible to the naked eye, but it could and did report to the beast every move the people made. I watched as the beast turned his throne around and faced toward me. On his forehead was the number 666.

As I watched, I saw another man in another office become very angry at the beast. He demanded to talk with him. He was yelling at the top of his voice. The beast appeared and seemed very courteous as he said, "Come, I can help you take care of all your problems." The beast took the angry man into a large room and motioned for him to lie down on a table. The room and the table reminded me of a hospital emergency room. The man was given an anesthesia and wheeled beneath a vast machine. The beast attached wires to the
man's head and turned on the machine. On the top of the machine were the words, "This mind eraser belongs to the beast, 666."

When the man was removed from the table, his eyes had a vacant stare, and his movements reminded one of a zombie in a movie. I saw a large blank spot on the top of his head, and I knew his mind had been surgically altered so he could be controlled by the

The beast said, "Now, sir, don't you feel better? Didn't I say I could take care of all your problems? I have given you a new mind. You will have no worries or troubles now." The man did not speak. "You will obey my every command," said the beast as he picked up a small object and attached it to the man's shirt. He spoke again to the man, and he answered without moving his lips. He moved like a living dead man. "You will work and not get angry or frustrated, nor will you cry or be sad. You will work for me until you die. I have many like you that I control. Some lie, some kill, some steal, some make war, some have children, some run machinery, and some do other things. Yes, I control everything." An evil laugh came from him. The man was handed papers to sign. He gladly gave all his belongings to the beast.

In my vision I saw the man leave the office of the beast, get in a car and drive home. When he approached his wife, she tried to kiss him, but he made no attempt to respond. He had no feeling for his wife or anyone else. The beast had made him incapable of feeling any emotion. The wife became very angry and screamed at her husband, but to no avail. At last she said, "OK, I'll call the beast. He will know what to do." After a quick phone call, she left the house and drove to the same building her husband had just left.

The beast welcomed her in and said, "Tell me all your troubles. I am sure I can help you." A very handsome man took her by the arm and led her to the same table her husband had been on earlier. After the same operation, she also became a depersonalized slave of the beast.

I heard the beast ask her, "How do you feel?" She did not answer until after he had attached a small object to her blouse. Then she acknowledged that he was master and lord and began to worship him.

"You will be a breeder," he said. "You will have perfect babies, and they will worship and serve me."

The woman replied in a robotic voice, "Yes, master, I will obey."

I saw the woman again. This time she was in another building. There were many pregnant women there. The women lay lifelessly on their beds and in chanted monotones praised the beast. All had 666 on their foreheads.

When their babies were born, they were taken to another building where mind-altered nurses had the task of raising them. The nurses also had 666 on their foreheads. The beast grew in power until his empire stretched across the earth. The babies also grew, and at a certain time, they also went beneath the mind-destroying machine. They worshiped the beast and his image. But the machine had no power over the children of God.

I heard the voice of the Lord say, "Those that worship the beast and his image shall perish. Many shall be deceived and will fall, but I will save my children from the beast. These things will take place in the end times. Do not take the mark of the beast. Repent now before it is too late.

"The beast will call himself a man of peace. And he will bring peace to many nations out of a very chaotic time. He will be able to supply the world with many inexpensive goods, and he will assure that everyone's pay is sufficient. He will make an alliance with many nations, and the great men of the world will follow him into a false sense of security.

"Before these times I will raise up an army of believers that will stand for truth and righteousness. The mighty army that Joel spoke about will hear My voice from the rising to the going down of the sun.

"In the night hours also they will hear My voice, and they will answer Me. They will work for Me, and they will run like mighty men of war. They shall do great works for Me, for I will be with them."

All these things were revealed to me by the Lord Jesus Christ in an open vision. They are the words of His mouth, and they concern the times of the end.

Jesus and I returned home, and I wondered about all the things He had shown me and told me. I fell asleep praying for the salvation of all mankind.

#3. A Prophetic Warning from Pastor Steve Foss
Steve Foss Ministries P.O. Box1592 Keller, TX76244

I am writing to you today an urgent message concerning the coming American election. God has released me to share with you a powerful prophecy He gave me eight years ago. I have shared this prophecy in a number of public meetings, but I have never published it for all our friends and partners. In January of 2000 God gave me an incredible insight into what was about to happen in the coming elections in America over the next decade. I am not using this e-mail to tell you, who are citizens of America, who to vote for. However, you need to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying. Never in my 22 years of ministry have I seen such a spirit of delusion released upon our country. In January of 2000, while the Republican nomination for president was far from being decided, God spoke to me that George W. Bush would be the president of the United States. He told me it would be the hardest fought election in American history. I'm sure we can all remember the incredible battle that took place in Florida. He told me that President Bush would be elected to two terms. He told me that during Bush's term there would be a season of unprecedented economic prosperity. Now despite what the media has said, the economic wealth created during the last eight years was unprecedented. I know the media and one of the political parties has been trying to paint the last eight years as the worst economic time in American history, but it is absolutely untrue. If you look at the wealth created, there were more millionaires created in the last eight years than any time in history.. Multitudes of people were able to sell real estate before the housing market collapse, and received incredible transfers of wealth. I could spend hours showing documentation of the wealth created, but suffice it to say, the evidence is there. God then said to me, "At the end of President Bush's second term there would be an economic collapse." As everyone in the world knows, we have just faced the greatest economic threat since 1929 and the Great Depression. I will speak a little more about the present economic situation a little later in this message. Every detail that God gave me has come to pass exactly as He said. Now there is one more important thing that God spoke to me. This is the purpose and the reason I am writing this e-mail today. God spoke to me that after George W. Bush, Americawould elect its most ungodly president ever. I'm going to say that again. God spoke to me that after George W. Bush, America would elect its most ungodly president ever. As of the writing of this e-mail we are now less than two weeks away from voting for our next president. At this time the polls are strongly showing that the Democratic nominee for president will easily win the White House. Now in 2006 I began to ask the Lord, "Is that guaranteed to happen in 2008?" He spoke to me very clearly and gave me the key words to what I believe holds this election in the balance right now. He gave me these key words that can forever change what is about to happen in America. He said, "It depends on the Christians." I am not going to endorse a candidate, nor am I telling anyone who to vote for. I am simply sharing what God has shown me. I had a vision earlier this year. I saw Barack Obama in this vision. He was speaking to a large crowd and being broadcast on television. He was speaking incredible words of unity, peace, and bringing all sides together; the words were elegant, the words were comforting, and the words were inspiring. But while he was speaking I saw all a powerful spirit of violence coming out of his spirit feeding into the spirits of those that were hearing him. That spirit of violence was directed at anybody who opposed what he was saying. Those who heard his words and received it had the spirit of violence being implanted inside of them. It was a rage like I have not seen before. It was the rage that would be unleashed against those who oppose and stand in the way of Barack Obama's agenda. We are already seeing the beginnings of this spirit manifested here in America. The vicious attacks against Sarah Palin have been unlike anything we have ever seen before. The sheer hate for this woman from people who knew nothing about her, and who claim to stand up and protect the little people, and women, has been shocking. We now see it with Joe the plumber. These people who are under the influence of this demon spirit of rage desire to completely destroy this man because he dared to question Barack Obama. In fact it wasn't just the question; it was because Barack Obama revealed his true agenda that Joe the plumber became a threat. So the supporters of Barack Obama who had been fed and affected by the spirit of violence went into full swing to destroy a fellow citizen; the very kind of person that Barack Obama has been speaking about in his eloquent speeches, saying how he is the only candidate fighting for them. I want to put this deep in your spirit. I am speaking as a prophet. The words I'm about to tell you are "thus saith the Lord". If Barack Obama is elected, the attacks against free speech, against those who believe differently than he does, and the systematic use of the government and laws to silence the voice of fundamental Christians will be unlike anything ever seen in this nation before. I have talked to many Christians, including pastors, not only here in the United States but around the world, who strongly support Barack Obama. Many of them are angry with the Republicans, and understandably so. Others are inspired by the thought of electing America's first African American president, while others believe Barack Obama to be a Christian who is very concerned with the poor and needy. I am not going to address any of the many concerns about Barack Obama and his form of Christianity. I am only speaking the words of thus saith the Lord, and you have to decide what you're going to do with it. But I want to remind you, every word God has spoken to me over the last eight years and every word which I have prophesied about the American government and the elections has come to pass. God does not give this prophecy to scare us, but to prepare us. God said that the 2008 election is in the hands of the Christians. Just like when God spoke to Jonah about the judgment coming to Nineveh, when the Ninevites repented God withheld judgment; the same can happen in this election. Even though God spoke that America would elect its most ungodly president, He has given us the ability to stay this judgment. Now you may be asking, "Are you saying that Barack Obama, if elected, would be America's most ungodly president ever." Yes! Now I'm not telling you who to vote for. Some people want an ungodly president. That's their choice. I have watched throughout the world, Christians support political leaders who are blatantly ungodly. So again, this is the people's choice. I believe if the Christians will pray, repent, and hear the voice of God, a miracle can happen on Election Day. This nation lies in the hands of the Christians. Will we humble ourselves before God and pray for His kingdom to come and His will to be done? Or will we allow our emotions, our feelings, our angers, our greed, our race, the opinions of the media, our fears, to dictate to us and affect who we vote for? If you allow these things to affect you, whether you vote for Republican or Democrat, you are not being led by the Spirit. We must spend time in deep intercessory prayer and cry out for God's mercy upon America. For all our friends who are not in the United States, if Christianity comes under the assaults that it would under a government controlled by Barack Obama and the Liberal Democrats, it will have horrible negative effects on the Gospel throughout the world. All truth is parallel. People say when America catches a cold, the world suffers a flu. This present financial crisis is proof of that. When America is moral and bows its knee to God, it has incredible positive spiritual impact around the world. However, we have seen over the last several decades, when America becomes more immoral that too affects the world. We need all the Christians around the world to pray for revival to come to America, and for God to have mercy and spare us from this judgment. Finally, a brief word about the financial crisis. This is not the end time financial crisis. It is very serious, and it is shaking the foundations of the world's economic system. But we will come out of this, and there will be a time again of incredible wealth creation. However, the cracks in the financial system will not be healed. The door has been opened and the way is being made for a one world government system to overtake the world's economics. The world will falsely look at this situation and say that when the governments individually, and with some unified coordination, jumped in to rescue the world, that it prevented a worldwide depression. In the future, when the true end time financial collapse takes place, it will be very easy for the nations of the world and the peoples of those nations to allow a new worldwide governing body to come to the rescue. Understand that everything that is happening has a significant spiritual purpose. So don't panic by what you see happening today, but take this as a spiritual warning from God. Prepare yourself. Get out of debt. Hear the voice of the Holy Spirit in regards to how you handle money. Let God position you to handle the future complete economic collapse and the overtaking of the world's economic system. Please pray for America. May God have mercy on us all.

Your friend,
Steve Foss


  1. Anonymous2:49 AM

    Can you point to where you made those prophecies back in 2006? It's one thing to claim your prophecies have all come true when you only share them after the fact...

  2. Please refer to the email and postal addresses provided. Thanks and God bless you :)
