While he was still talking with them, Rachel came with her father's sheep, for she was a shepherdess. When Jacob saw Rachel daughter of Laban, his mother's brother, and Laban's sheep, he went over and rolled the stone away from the mouth of the well and watered his uncle's sheep. Then Jacob kissed Rachel and began to weep aloud. He had told Rachel that he was a relative of her father and a son of Rebekah. So she ran and told her father. As soon as Laban heard the news about Jacob, his sister's son, he hurried to meet him. He embraced him and kissed him and brought him to his home, and there Jacob told him all these things. Then Laban said to him, “You are my own flesh and blood.” After Jacob had stayed with him for a whole month, Laban said to him, “Just because you are a relative of mine, should you work for me for nothing? Tell me what your wages should be.” (Genesis 29:9-15)
Love is a Conduct, Not a Conquest
Love is a powerful stimulant for change, but it is not a permanent prescription for change. Falling in love doesn’t pay the bills of a debtor, do the homework of a procrastinator or break the chokehold of a habit. No love potion can remedy a spineless, boneless or clueless person. However, love will always lend a helping hand, to inspire and change a willing and motivated person.
The education of Jacob began when he changed from lazy bum and life support to hard worker. Before this incident, Jacob was the little emperor at home in Canaan. He came from money even if had yet to get any, but he really didn’t have much of a life outside of the home nor did he have to lift a finger at home; so he was the little brat who became the master of the house, spending his time picking on, toying with and scoring against his no-brainer of a brother, Esau. His brother’s vow to kill him (Gen 27:41) when Jacob deceived him of his birthright forced him to leave home and sent him hurtling across the desert to his mother’s ancestral homeland, where he found a different and uneven kind of match in his uncle Laban, who is the brother of Jacob’s mother (Gen 27:43). Jacob the smooth-skin (Gen 27:11), homely Mama’s boy grew of age without home, money and security in his new environment.
Jacob’s usefulness and breakthrough began day one in the desert. He had good influence around him and a powerful working model – Rachel, and he had better shape up because Rachel was no slouch! Rachel was a shepherdess, a good and responsible one to be able to keep her job in the company of men. Rachel proved herself as the eyes, the voice and the guide of the sheep under her care. She was not the type to stay at home, see the shepherds off, and leave the job to men.
Jacob discovered the value of hard work, and it was never late. He transitioned from boy to man when he showed a sense of accomplishment, a stomach for responsibility and a direction in life. Jacob, who had everything done for him by Mama, began to do something for himself and for others (v 10) – he rolled the stone away from the mouth of the well and watered his uncle's sheep. Jacob knew that Mama would tolerate him as a freeloader, but potential in-laws would not. When he stayed with his uncle, he worked hard for his meals, room and board. He did not stop working from day one and even worked for nothing for a whole month. Work was a virtue and never a torture with Rachel by his side. His work ethic was second to none, his learning knew no bounds and his relationship with others improved by leaps and bounds.
Now Laban had two daughters; the name of the older was Leah, and the name of the younger was Rachel. Leah had weak eyes, but Rachel was lovely in form, and beautiful. Jacob was in love with Rachel and said, “I'll work for you seven years in return for your younger daughter Rachel.” Laban said, “It's better that I give her to you than to some other man. Stay here with me.” So Jacob served seven years to get Rachel, but they seemed like only a few days to him because of his love for her. Then Jacob said to Laban, “Give me my wife. My time is completed, and I want to lie with her.” So Laban brought together all the people of the place and gave a feast. But when evening came, he took his daughter Leah and gave her to Jacob, and Jacob lay with her. And Laban gave his servant girl Zilpah to his daughter as her maidservant. When morning came, there was Leah! So Jacob said to Laban, “What is this you have done to me? I served you for Rachel, didn't I? Why have you deceived me?” Laban replied, “It is not our custom here to give the younger daughter in marriage before the older one. Finish this daughter's bridal week; then we will give you the younger one also, in return for another seven years of work.” And Jacob did so. He finished the week with Leah, and then Laban gave him his daughter Rachel to be his wife. Laban gave his servant girl Bilhah to his daughter Rachel as her maidservant. Jacob lay with Rachel also, and he loved Rachel more than Leah. And he worked for Laban another seven years. (Genesis 29:16-30)
Love is a Commitment, Not a Ceremony
Jacob’s commitment to Rachel passed the test of time, errors and in-laws. Rachel the shepherdess was a unique woman. Inspiring the rich and spoilt Jacob to work was a goal, a test and a miracle, which Jacob passed with flying colors. He had superhuman commitment to Rachel. Working for the right of her hand in marriage was a joy, never a torture, to him. No dowry was too much to pay, no labor was too hard to endure and no duration was too long to wait. Jacob loved Rachel so much that he got on with his father-in-law, positioned himself as potential son-in-law and married himself into her family.
Rachel was beautiful (v 17). Not only was she one of the famed seven “beautiful” ladies in the Bible, along with Sarai (Gen 12:11), Rachel (Gen 29:17), Abigail (1 Sam 25:3), two Tamars (2 Sam 13:1, 14:27), Abishag (1 Kings 1:4) and Esther (Est 2:7), she was the only one qualified as “beautiful and beautiful” in Hebrew. None of the seven beauties was praised as such. The Hebrew text describes her as “Beautiful figure, beautiful appearance.” In other words, she was shapely and striking, body-beautiful and picture perfect.
However, Jacob’s devotion to Rachel was not skin-deep. The next verse, verse 18, tells us that it was not Rachel’s fabulous body or photogenic face that Jacob loved; it was the person. The word “love” occurs three times in the chapter (vv 18, 20, 30). Lust and infatuation could only last so long. Working seven years for a bride is comparable to paying a house for dowry. In today’s permissive society, even seven days or seven months is too long a wait to cohabit together for many men and women! Jacob loved Rachel in true sweeping romance fashion. The seven years were not an itch but a flash, not an eternity but an opportunity, not a chore but a climax. He was truly, madly, deeply in love with Rachel. Seven years was a steep price to pay, but he was the one who volunteered and mentioned it (v 18); Laban did not force him.
Conclusion: Married people know that love is a catalyst for change, but not a cure for all ills. The Chinese say, “Falling in love is easy, living together is hard.” Love is the most powerful force in the world, but is also the most perplexing thing in the world. Are you married or are you marrying to escape a controlling parent, a loveless family, a boring life or a low self-esteem? Have you dealt with the empty feeling or the character flaw you have to be the right person? Do you bring joy hope or misery and suffering to people around you?
* Excerpted from "Bible Couples, Pt. 4: Jacob and Rachel" by Victor Yap, http://epreaching.blogspot.com/2007/05/jacob-and-rachel.html :)
August 22, 2009
a greek test
Once upon a time there lived a beautiful queen named Penelope who was carefully weaving a white linen roll. It was to be a gift for her husband whose return she anxiously awaited each day. For years the king had been away in the Trojan War. Each and every day she would say his name over and over again, somehow hoping he would hear the cry of her aching heart.
One day, many great chiefs and princes, all in search of wives, set sail for Ithaca to try to win Penelope's hand. They assured the lonely queen that her husband, the king, had died in battle, and that it would be best for the people of Ithaca and for her own protection that she pick one of them to be her own husband.
But Penelope, with tears in her royal eyes answered, "Heroes and most honored Princes, I refuse to believe what you say. I am certain that my noble husband lives, and I must faithfully keep his kingdom for him till he returns. I am weaving a white linen roll for him even now."
The chiefs and princes stubbornly refused to return home and daily reminded her of her need for a husband and Ithaca's need for a king.
Weeks passed by, and still Penelope did not bend, but continued to faithfully weave her linen roll in hopes of the king's return. The chiefs and princes tried every possible persuasion, but to no avail. The group of hopeful suitors moved into the palace, drinking the royal wine and consuming the royal food. They refused to depart until Penelope chose one of them to marry.
A weary and reluctant Penelope finally agreed to choose a new husband as soon as she finished weaving her white linen roll, if the king had not returned by then. Weeks passed, and still she kept weaving. However, by night she would secretly unravel all the thread she had woven during the day. Eventually her scheme was discovered.
A leader among them, Agelaus, called the assembly together and addressed Penelope in a loud voice. "Queen Penelope," he fumed angrily, "your stubbornness has left us no choice but to take this matter into our own hands. We have seen your trickery in delaying the completion of your cursed linen roll, and we will stand for it no longer. Finish it by tomorrow and select your new husband before noon, or we will choose him for you! We will not wait another day!"
The next afternoon all the suitors gathered to await Penelope's royal decision. Just as she entered the banquet hall, a strange beggar quietly crept into the assembly. His tired head was hidden beneath a tattered hood, and a ragged cloak wrapped itself around his decrepit body. He hobbled to the back of the hall quietly, unnoticed save for a few mocking sneers from the suitors as he passed. Penelope began to speak, capturing the attention of all present.
"Chiefs and Princes," said Penelope with a knot of grief in her regal throat, "we will leave this decision to fate. Behold, I am holding the great bow of my husband, the king. Each of you must try your strength in bending it, and I will choose the one amongst you who can shoot the most accurate arrow."
"Agreed!" cried the suitors, and they eagerly lined up to test their strength.
One after the other struggled to bend the great bow. Then losing patience, each of the gallant nobles threw it down and strode away.
"Only a giant could bend that bow of iron!" they moaned.
"Perhaps the filthy old beggar would like to test his strength," one mockingly yelled with a sneer.
At that, the beggar rose from his chair and went with halting steps to the head of the hall.
"You old fool!" the suitors howled in derision as the dirty traveler picked up the great bow.
Suddenly an amazing change came over the stranger. The decrepit traveler straightened his back and rose to his full height, and even in a beggar's rags it was impossible not to notice that this weary traveler was every inch a king. Then, without effort, he bent the bow and strung it as everyone in the great hall looked on in astonishment. The king had returned!
The suitors were speechless. Then, in sheer panic, they turned and fled for their lives. But the arrows of the king were swift and accurate, and not a one missed its target. There wasn't a suitor who escaped the vengeance of the king that day.
Penelope ran to her hero, who was clothed in rags, and embraced him. Then with the voice of an angel she said, "I have faithfully kept your kingdom, my noble king!" She tenderly presented him with a soft white linen roll. "I have spent years weaving this gift in hopes of your return. On the day I finished it, I was told to choose a husband." Then, placing a tender kiss upon his soiled cheek, she said, "And I choose you."
* From "Homer's Odyssey" by Richard Lattimore, as quoted in "When God Writes Your Love Story" by Eric and Leslie Ludy :)
One day, many great chiefs and princes, all in search of wives, set sail for Ithaca to try to win Penelope's hand. They assured the lonely queen that her husband, the king, had died in battle, and that it would be best for the people of Ithaca and for her own protection that she pick one of them to be her own husband.
But Penelope, with tears in her royal eyes answered, "Heroes and most honored Princes, I refuse to believe what you say. I am certain that my noble husband lives, and I must faithfully keep his kingdom for him till he returns. I am weaving a white linen roll for him even now."
The chiefs and princes stubbornly refused to return home and daily reminded her of her need for a husband and Ithaca's need for a king.
Weeks passed by, and still Penelope did not bend, but continued to faithfully weave her linen roll in hopes of the king's return. The chiefs and princes tried every possible persuasion, but to no avail. The group of hopeful suitors moved into the palace, drinking the royal wine and consuming the royal food. They refused to depart until Penelope chose one of them to marry.
A weary and reluctant Penelope finally agreed to choose a new husband as soon as she finished weaving her white linen roll, if the king had not returned by then. Weeks passed, and still she kept weaving. However, by night she would secretly unravel all the thread she had woven during the day. Eventually her scheme was discovered.
A leader among them, Agelaus, called the assembly together and addressed Penelope in a loud voice. "Queen Penelope," he fumed angrily, "your stubbornness has left us no choice but to take this matter into our own hands. We have seen your trickery in delaying the completion of your cursed linen roll, and we will stand for it no longer. Finish it by tomorrow and select your new husband before noon, or we will choose him for you! We will not wait another day!"
The next afternoon all the suitors gathered to await Penelope's royal decision. Just as she entered the banquet hall, a strange beggar quietly crept into the assembly. His tired head was hidden beneath a tattered hood, and a ragged cloak wrapped itself around his decrepit body. He hobbled to the back of the hall quietly, unnoticed save for a few mocking sneers from the suitors as he passed. Penelope began to speak, capturing the attention of all present.
"Chiefs and Princes," said Penelope with a knot of grief in her regal throat, "we will leave this decision to fate. Behold, I am holding the great bow of my husband, the king. Each of you must try your strength in bending it, and I will choose the one amongst you who can shoot the most accurate arrow."
"Agreed!" cried the suitors, and they eagerly lined up to test their strength.
One after the other struggled to bend the great bow. Then losing patience, each of the gallant nobles threw it down and strode away.
"Only a giant could bend that bow of iron!" they moaned.
"Perhaps the filthy old beggar would like to test his strength," one mockingly yelled with a sneer.
At that, the beggar rose from his chair and went with halting steps to the head of the hall.
"You old fool!" the suitors howled in derision as the dirty traveler picked up the great bow.
Suddenly an amazing change came over the stranger. The decrepit traveler straightened his back and rose to his full height, and even in a beggar's rags it was impossible not to notice that this weary traveler was every inch a king. Then, without effort, he bent the bow and strung it as everyone in the great hall looked on in astonishment. The king had returned!
The suitors were speechless. Then, in sheer panic, they turned and fled for their lives. But the arrows of the king were swift and accurate, and not a one missed its target. There wasn't a suitor who escaped the vengeance of the king that day.
Penelope ran to her hero, who was clothed in rags, and embraced him. Then with the voice of an angel she said, "I have faithfully kept your kingdom, my noble king!" She tenderly presented him with a soft white linen roll. "I have spent years weaving this gift in hopes of your return. On the day I finished it, I was told to choose a husband." Then, placing a tender kiss upon his soiled cheek, she said, "And I choose you."
* From "Homer's Odyssey" by Richard Lattimore, as quoted in "When God Writes Your Love Story" by Eric and Leslie Ludy :)
an american test
Lt. John Blanchard was in New York City at Grand Central Station, and he looked up at the big clock. It said five till six. His heart was racing. At exactly six o'clock he was going to meet the girl he was in love with, but had never met. This is what happened...
He had been in Florida for pilot training during World War II, and while he was there he happened to go to a library and check out a book. As he flipped through the pages, he noticed that someone had made notes in the margins. Reading the insightful observations in beautiful handwriting, he said to himself, "I would love to meet whoever wrote these notes --- they seem so kind, gentle, and wise."
He looked in front of the book and saw a name, Harlyss Maynell, New York City. He decided to try to find her. With the help of a New York City phone book, he found her address and wrote her a letter. The day after he wrote her, he was shipped back overseas to fight in the war.
Surprisingly, Harlyss answered John's letter. They soon began to correspond back and forth throughout the war. "Her letters were just like the marvelous notes she had written in that book," John recalled. "She was so comforting and so helping."
One time John had confessed in a letter that he had been scared to death when they flew over Germany. Harlyss had encouraged him, "All brave men are afraid at times. Next time you are afraid, just say 'Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me.'"
As they continued to write, John began to realize that he was having romantic feelings toward Harlyss. He wrote, "Send me a picture," and she replied, "No, I won't. Relationships are not built on what people look like."
Still, he was intrigued by her and longed to meet her in person. Finally the day came when he was to return to the States on leave. He mentioned in one of his letters that he was coming home and would like to take her to dinner. She had arranged to meet him in New York City's Grand Central station at six PM under the big clock. "You'll know who I am because I'll be wearing a red rose," she told him.
At last the day had come. John waited nervously to finally meet the girl he thought he loved. Here is how John described his first meeting with Harlyss Maynell:
A young woman was coming toward me, her figure long and slim. She had blonde hair that lay back in curls from her delicate ears. Her eyes were as blue as flowers. Her lips and chin had a gentle firmness, and in a pale green suit she looked like spring-time come alive!
Excitedly, I started toward her, entirely forgetting to notice that she was not wearing a red rose. As I moved her way, she noticed me. A small provocative smile curled her lips.
"Going my way, soldier?" she asked coyly. I took another step closer to her. It was then that I saw...Harlyss Maynell with the red rose in her coat, directly behind the girl in green. My heart sank. She was a woman well past forty. She was plump. She had graying hair tucked under a worn hat. Her thick ankles were thrust into low shoes. The girl in the green suit was walking quickly away. I had to make a choice. Should I follow after the beauty who had just spoken to me? Or stay and face poor Harlyss Maynell?
I made my decision and I did not hesitate. Turning toward the woman, I smiled. Even as I began to speak, I felt choked by bitter disappointment. "You must be Miss Maynell," I said, extending my hand. "I'm so glad you could meet me. Will you join me for dinner?"
The older woman's face then broadened into a smile. "I don't know what this is all about, son," she replied, "but you know that young woman in the green suit who just went by? I met her on the train. She begged me to wear this rose in my coat. She said that if you should ask me to dinner, to tell you she's waiting for you in that big restaurant across the street. She said it was some kind of test."
* From "When God Writes Your Love Story" by Eric and Leslie Ludy :)
He had been in Florida for pilot training during World War II, and while he was there he happened to go to a library and check out a book. As he flipped through the pages, he noticed that someone had made notes in the margins. Reading the insightful observations in beautiful handwriting, he said to himself, "I would love to meet whoever wrote these notes --- they seem so kind, gentle, and wise."
He looked in front of the book and saw a name, Harlyss Maynell, New York City. He decided to try to find her. With the help of a New York City phone book, he found her address and wrote her a letter. The day after he wrote her, he was shipped back overseas to fight in the war.
Surprisingly, Harlyss answered John's letter. They soon began to correspond back and forth throughout the war. "Her letters were just like the marvelous notes she had written in that book," John recalled. "She was so comforting and so helping."
One time John had confessed in a letter that he had been scared to death when they flew over Germany. Harlyss had encouraged him, "All brave men are afraid at times. Next time you are afraid, just say 'Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me.'"
As they continued to write, John began to realize that he was having romantic feelings toward Harlyss. He wrote, "Send me a picture," and she replied, "No, I won't. Relationships are not built on what people look like."
Still, he was intrigued by her and longed to meet her in person. Finally the day came when he was to return to the States on leave. He mentioned in one of his letters that he was coming home and would like to take her to dinner. She had arranged to meet him in New York City's Grand Central station at six PM under the big clock. "You'll know who I am because I'll be wearing a red rose," she told him.
At last the day had come. John waited nervously to finally meet the girl he thought he loved. Here is how John described his first meeting with Harlyss Maynell:
A young woman was coming toward me, her figure long and slim. She had blonde hair that lay back in curls from her delicate ears. Her eyes were as blue as flowers. Her lips and chin had a gentle firmness, and in a pale green suit she looked like spring-time come alive!
Excitedly, I started toward her, entirely forgetting to notice that she was not wearing a red rose. As I moved her way, she noticed me. A small provocative smile curled her lips.
"Going my way, soldier?" she asked coyly. I took another step closer to her. It was then that I saw...Harlyss Maynell with the red rose in her coat, directly behind the girl in green. My heart sank. She was a woman well past forty. She was plump. She had graying hair tucked under a worn hat. Her thick ankles were thrust into low shoes. The girl in the green suit was walking quickly away. I had to make a choice. Should I follow after the beauty who had just spoken to me? Or stay and face poor Harlyss Maynell?
I made my decision and I did not hesitate. Turning toward the woman, I smiled. Even as I began to speak, I felt choked by bitter disappointment. "You must be Miss Maynell," I said, extending my hand. "I'm so glad you could meet me. Will you join me for dinner?"
The older woman's face then broadened into a smile. "I don't know what this is all about, son," she replied, "but you know that young woman in the green suit who just went by? I met her on the train. She begged me to wear this rose in my coat. She said that if you should ask me to dinner, to tell you she's waiting for you in that big restaurant across the street. She said it was some kind of test."
* From "When God Writes Your Love Story" by Eric and Leslie Ludy :)
an english test
[A. In prose]
One day, King Arthur was riding through the forest of Inglewood and came upon a hideously ugly woman, one whose ugliness was so great that original texts go on for many a verse describing it. She stopped him saying that she had the answer he was seeking and could save his life, if he agreed to her terms. He asked was these were, and she replied, “I am Dame Ragnell and I want to marry one of your knights, Sir Gawain.”
King Arthur was horrified, and told her that he could not promise her Gawain without his consent and that he would return to her after speaking with Gawain. He returned to court and explained the situation to Gawain. Without hesitation, Gawain answered that he would marry her in a minute, even if she was a devil, if it would help Arthur.
Upon seeing her for the first time, Gawain looked stunned, but bravely assented to be married the next day. The ladies of the court wept to see such a kind and handsome knight to be married to such a hideous woman; the knights were glad it wasn’t any of them who had to marry her.
Ragnell demanded to be married publicly and to have a great feast with all the nobles attending. She was decked out in the most costly array, but her manners repulsed everyone there. Great was the pity felt for Gawain that day!
At last it was over and the couple led to their chamber. There Gawain gazed at the fire, reluctant to touch his bride, until she requested a kiss. Bravely, he acceded, only to find a most radiant woman in his arms. He stared speechless in wonder and, finally finding his tongue, asked her how could this be.
“I have waited in that shape until I found a man gentle enough to marry me. Now I offer you a choice: I can be fair by night and foul by day; or foul by night and fair by day. Decide which you want.”
Gawain thought for a while, pondering the events that had lead to this moment, and then it dawned on him what answer he must give. “I cannot make such a choice; that is for you to decide.”
She cried out in joy, “My lord, you are as wise as you are noble and true, for you have given me what every woman genuinely desires, sovereignty over herself. You will never see that hideous old hag again, for I choose to be fair from this time on.”
[B. In poetry]
"Ah, Sir Gawain, since I have married you,
Show me a little courtesy in bed.
You cannot rightfully deny me that.
Indeed, Sir Gawain," the lady said,
If I were beautiful,
You would act a bit differently.
But you take no heed of marriage.
Still, for Arthur's sake, kiss me at least.
I ask that you do it,
So we can see how you manage."
Sir Gawain said, "I will do more
Than kiss, I swear to God!"
So he turned…
And saw she was
The fairest creature alive.
"Jesus!" he said. "What are you?"
"Sir, I am certainly your wife.
Why are you unkind to me?"
"Ah, lady, I am to blame.
I ask you mercy, fair madam.
I hadn't realized. You are so beautiful,
And earlier you were the ugliest woman
I have ever seen.
I am happy, lady, to see you thus."
So he embraced her in his arms
And began to kiss her
And made great joy, certainly.
"Sir," she said, "thus shall you have me.
By God, choose one--for my beauty will not hold.
Choose whether you will have me
Beautiful in the nights
And as ugly in the days, when men see me,
Or else have me beautiful in the day
And the ugliest woman in the nights.
One or the other you must have. Choose.
Choose, sir knight, which is more important
To your honor."
"Alas!" said Gawain, "the choice is hard.
Choosing the best is difficult.
I don't know what to choose.
To have you beautiful
At night and no more,
That would grieve my heart.
And I would lose my reputation.
But if I choose to have you beautiful in the day,
Then at night I would have slim pickings.
Now, gladly would I choose the best,
But I don't know what in the world to say.
Choose what you think best, happy lady.
The choice I put into your hand.
Do as you want, as you choose.
Untie me when you will, for I am bound.
I give the decision to you.
Body, possessions, heart and everything,
It is all yours, to buy and sell.
This I swear to God."
"Thank you, courteous knight," said the lady.
Of all the earth's knights, may you be blessed.
For now I am worshipped.
You shall have me beautiful both day and night,
And always I shall be fair and bright.
Therefore, grieve not,
For I was transformed through necromancy
By my stepmother, God have mercy on her.
She changed me by enchantment
From my true form--
Until the best of England
Had truly married me
And given me sovereignty
Over his body and all his goods.
Thus I was deformed,
And you, sir knight, courteous Gawain,
Have given me sovereignty indeed.
Never will you be sorry for that.
Kiss me, sir knight, right now,
I pray you. Be glad and make good cheer.
For all has turned out well."
* Prose excerpted from "Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell (revised for the 1990s and beyond)" by Susan Reed, http://www.nachtanz.org/SReed/GawainLL.html
* Poetry excerpted from "The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell" by David Bredeen, http://www.lone-star.net/mall/literature/gawain.htm :)
One day, King Arthur was riding through the forest of Inglewood and came upon a hideously ugly woman, one whose ugliness was so great that original texts go on for many a verse describing it. She stopped him saying that she had the answer he was seeking and could save his life, if he agreed to her terms. He asked was these were, and she replied, “I am Dame Ragnell and I want to marry one of your knights, Sir Gawain.”
King Arthur was horrified, and told her that he could not promise her Gawain without his consent and that he would return to her after speaking with Gawain. He returned to court and explained the situation to Gawain. Without hesitation, Gawain answered that he would marry her in a minute, even if she was a devil, if it would help Arthur.
Upon seeing her for the first time, Gawain looked stunned, but bravely assented to be married the next day. The ladies of the court wept to see such a kind and handsome knight to be married to such a hideous woman; the knights were glad it wasn’t any of them who had to marry her.
Ragnell demanded to be married publicly and to have a great feast with all the nobles attending. She was decked out in the most costly array, but her manners repulsed everyone there. Great was the pity felt for Gawain that day!
At last it was over and the couple led to their chamber. There Gawain gazed at the fire, reluctant to touch his bride, until she requested a kiss. Bravely, he acceded, only to find a most radiant woman in his arms. He stared speechless in wonder and, finally finding his tongue, asked her how could this be.
“I have waited in that shape until I found a man gentle enough to marry me. Now I offer you a choice: I can be fair by night and foul by day; or foul by night and fair by day. Decide which you want.”
Gawain thought for a while, pondering the events that had lead to this moment, and then it dawned on him what answer he must give. “I cannot make such a choice; that is for you to decide.”
She cried out in joy, “My lord, you are as wise as you are noble and true, for you have given me what every woman genuinely desires, sovereignty over herself. You will never see that hideous old hag again, for I choose to be fair from this time on.”
[B. In poetry]
"Ah, Sir Gawain, since I have married you,
Show me a little courtesy in bed.
You cannot rightfully deny me that.
Indeed, Sir Gawain," the lady said,
If I were beautiful,
You would act a bit differently.
But you take no heed of marriage.
Still, for Arthur's sake, kiss me at least.
I ask that you do it,
So we can see how you manage."
Sir Gawain said, "I will do more
Than kiss, I swear to God!"
So he turned…
And saw she was
The fairest creature alive.
"Jesus!" he said. "What are you?"
"Sir, I am certainly your wife.
Why are you unkind to me?"
"Ah, lady, I am to blame.
I ask you mercy, fair madam.
I hadn't realized. You are so beautiful,
And earlier you were the ugliest woman
I have ever seen.
I am happy, lady, to see you thus."
So he embraced her in his arms
And began to kiss her
And made great joy, certainly.
"Sir," she said, "thus shall you have me.
By God, choose one--for my beauty will not hold.
Choose whether you will have me
Beautiful in the nights
And as ugly in the days, when men see me,
Or else have me beautiful in the day
And the ugliest woman in the nights.
One or the other you must have. Choose.
Choose, sir knight, which is more important
To your honor."
"Alas!" said Gawain, "the choice is hard.
Choosing the best is difficult.
I don't know what to choose.
To have you beautiful
At night and no more,
That would grieve my heart.
And I would lose my reputation.
But if I choose to have you beautiful in the day,
Then at night I would have slim pickings.
Now, gladly would I choose the best,
But I don't know what in the world to say.
Choose what you think best, happy lady.
The choice I put into your hand.
Do as you want, as you choose.
Untie me when you will, for I am bound.
I give the decision to you.
Body, possessions, heart and everything,
It is all yours, to buy and sell.
This I swear to God."
"Thank you, courteous knight," said the lady.
Of all the earth's knights, may you be blessed.
For now I am worshipped.
You shall have me beautiful both day and night,
And always I shall be fair and bright.
Therefore, grieve not,
For I was transformed through necromancy
By my stepmother, God have mercy on her.
She changed me by enchantment
From my true form--
Until the best of England
Had truly married me
And given me sovereignty
Over his body and all his goods.
Thus I was deformed,
And you, sir knight, courteous Gawain,
Have given me sovereignty indeed.
Never will you be sorry for that.
Kiss me, sir knight, right now,
I pray you. Be glad and make good cheer.
For all has turned out well."
* Prose excerpted from "Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell (revised for the 1990s and beyond)" by Susan Reed, http://www.nachtanz.org/SReed/GawainLL.html
* Poetry excerpted from "The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell" by David Bredeen, http://www.lone-star.net/mall/literature/gawain.htm :)
August 5, 2009
Pilipino. Kalayaan. Salamat.
"The Filipino is worth dying for."
(Benigno Aquino Jr., senator of the Philippines)
"I thank God because He made me a Filipino."
(Corazon Aquino, president of the Philippines)
Salamat, Ninoy at Cory.
Minahal ninyo ang Pilipinas at ang mga Pilipino.
Inialay ninyo ang inyong buhay at pati na ang inyong kamatayan.
Nawa'y ipagpatuloy namin ang pagmamahal at ang laban.
Mabuhay kayo.
Mabuhay ang Pilipinas.

Handog ng Pilipino sa Mundo
composed by Jim Paredes
sung by Various Artists
video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooGtSV7UafI
'Di na 'ko papayag mawala ka muli.
'Di na 'ko papayag na muli mabawi,
Ating kalayaan kay tagal natin mithi.
'Di na papayagang mabawi muli.
Magkakapit-bisig libo-libong tao.
Kay sarap palang maging Pilipino.
Sama-sama iisa ang adhikain.
Kelan man 'di na paalipin.
Handog ng Pilipino sa mundo,
Mapayapang paraang pagbabago.
Katotohanan, kalayaan, katarungan
Ay kayang makamit na walang dahas.
Basta't magkaisa tayong lahat.
Masdan ang nagaganap sa aming bayan.
Nagkasama ng mahirap at mayaman.
Kapit-bisig madre, pari, at sundalo.
Naging Langit itong bahagi ng mundo.
Huwag muling payagang umiral ang dilim.
Tinig ng bawat tao'y bigyan ng pansin.
Magkakapatid lahat sa Panginoon.
Ito'y lagi nating tatandaan.
Handog ng Pilipino sa mundo,
Mapayapang paraang pagbabago.
Katotohanan, kalayaan, katarungan
Ay kayang makamit na walang dahas.
Basta't magkaisa tayong lahat.
Mapayapang paraang pagbabago.
Katotohanan, kalayaan, katarungan.
Ay kayang makamit na walang dahas.
Basta't magkaisa tayong lahat!

by Virna Lisa
video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wWTqd1OJ9U
Ngayon ganap ang hirap sa mundo
Unawa ang kailangan ng tao
Ang pagmamahal sa kapwa"y ilaan
Isa lang ang ugat ng ating pinagmulan
Tayong lahat ay magkalahi
Sa unos at agos ay huwag padadala
Panahon na (may pagasa kang matatanaw)
Ng pagkakaisa (bagong umaga, bagong araw)
Kahit ito (sa atin Siya"y nagmamahal)
Ay hirap at dusa
Magkaisa (may pagasa kang matatanaw)
At magsama (bagong umaga, bagong araw)
Kapit kamay (sa atin Siya"y nagmamahal)
Sa bagong pagasa
Ngayon may pag-asang natatanaw
May bagong araw, bagong umaga
Pagmamahal sa Diyos, isipin mo tuwina

The Impossible Dream
from Man of La Mancha
music by Mitch Leigh
lyrics by Joe Darion
video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YBeepShsgo
To dream the impossible dream
To fight the unbeatable foe
To bear with unbearable sorrow
To run where the brave dare not go
To right the unrightable wrong
To love pure and chaste from afar
To try when your arms are too weary
To reach the unreachable star
This is my quest
To follow that star
No matter how hopeless
No matter how far
To fight for the right
Without question or pause
To be willing to march into Hell
For a heavenly cause
And I know if I'll only be true
To this glorious quest
That my heart will lie peaceful and calm
When I'm laid to my rest
And the world will be better for this
That one man, scorned and covered with scars
Still strove with his last ounce of courage
To reach the unreachable star

I Have Fallen In Love With The Same Woman Three Times
by Ninoy Aquino
set to music by Jose Mari Chan
video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qmXayOneyA
I have fallen in love
With the same woman three times
In a day spanning nineteen years
Of tearful joys and joyful tears.
I loved her first when she was young
Enchanting and vibrant, eternally new
She was brilliant, fragrant and cool
As the morning dew.
I fell in love with her the second time
When first she bore her child and mine
Always by my side, the source of my strength
Helping to turn the tide.
But there were candles to burn
The world was my concern
While our home was her domain
And the people were mine
While the children were hers to maintain.
So it was in those eighteen years and a day
Till I was detained
Forced in prison to stay.
Suddenly she's our sole support
Source of comfort
Our wellspring of hope
On her shoulders fell the burden of life.
I fell in love again
With the same woman the third time
Looming from the battle
Her courage will never fade.
Amidst the hardships she has remained
Undaunted and unafraid
She is calm, composed
She is God's lovely maid.

Prayer for a Happy Death
by Cory Aquino
Almighty God, most merciful Father
You alone know the time
You alone know the hour
You alone know the moment
When I shall breathe my last.
So, remind me each day,
most loving Father
To be the best that I can be.
To be humble, to be kind,
To be patient, to be true.
To embrace what is good,
To reject what is evil,
To adore only You.
When the final moment does come
Let not my loved ones grieve for long.
Let them comfort each other
And let them know
how much happiness
They brought into my life.
Let them pray for me,
As I will continue to pray for them,
Hoping that they will always pray
for each other.
Let them know that they made possible
Whatever good I offered to our world.
And let them realize that our separation
Is just for a short while
As we prepare for our reunion in eternity.
Our Father in heaven,
You alone are my hope.
You alone are my salvation.
Thank you for your unconditional love, Amen.
"Greater love has no one than this,
that he lay down his life for his friends."
(Jesus Christ, John 15:13)
** Please click or point cursor over an image to view its source. :)
(Benigno Aquino Jr., senator of the Philippines)
"I thank God because He made me a Filipino."
(Corazon Aquino, president of the Philippines)
Salamat, Ninoy at Cory.
Minahal ninyo ang Pilipinas at ang mga Pilipino.
Inialay ninyo ang inyong buhay at pati na ang inyong kamatayan.
Nawa'y ipagpatuloy namin ang pagmamahal at ang laban.
Mabuhay kayo.
Mabuhay ang Pilipinas.

Handog ng Pilipino sa Mundo
composed by Jim Paredes
sung by Various Artists
video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooGtSV7UafI
'Di na 'ko papayag mawala ka muli.
'Di na 'ko papayag na muli mabawi,
Ating kalayaan kay tagal natin mithi.
'Di na papayagang mabawi muli.
Magkakapit-bisig libo-libong tao.
Kay sarap palang maging Pilipino.
Sama-sama iisa ang adhikain.
Kelan man 'di na paalipin.
Handog ng Pilipino sa mundo,
Mapayapang paraang pagbabago.
Katotohanan, kalayaan, katarungan
Ay kayang makamit na walang dahas.
Basta't magkaisa tayong lahat.
Masdan ang nagaganap sa aming bayan.
Nagkasama ng mahirap at mayaman.
Kapit-bisig madre, pari, at sundalo.
Naging Langit itong bahagi ng mundo.
Huwag muling payagang umiral ang dilim.
Tinig ng bawat tao'y bigyan ng pansin.
Magkakapatid lahat sa Panginoon.
Ito'y lagi nating tatandaan.
Handog ng Pilipino sa mundo,
Mapayapang paraang pagbabago.
Katotohanan, kalayaan, katarungan
Ay kayang makamit na walang dahas.
Basta't magkaisa tayong lahat.
Mapayapang paraang pagbabago.
Katotohanan, kalayaan, katarungan.
Ay kayang makamit na walang dahas.
Basta't magkaisa tayong lahat!

by Virna Lisa
video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wWTqd1OJ9U
Ngayon ganap ang hirap sa mundo
Unawa ang kailangan ng tao
Ang pagmamahal sa kapwa"y ilaan
Isa lang ang ugat ng ating pinagmulan
Tayong lahat ay magkalahi
Sa unos at agos ay huwag padadala
Panahon na (may pagasa kang matatanaw)
Ng pagkakaisa (bagong umaga, bagong araw)
Kahit ito (sa atin Siya"y nagmamahal)
Ay hirap at dusa
Magkaisa (may pagasa kang matatanaw)
At magsama (bagong umaga, bagong araw)
Kapit kamay (sa atin Siya"y nagmamahal)
Sa bagong pagasa
Ngayon may pag-asang natatanaw
May bagong araw, bagong umaga
Pagmamahal sa Diyos, isipin mo tuwina

The Impossible Dream
from Man of La Mancha
music by Mitch Leigh
lyrics by Joe Darion
video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YBeepShsgo
To dream the impossible dream
To fight the unbeatable foe
To bear with unbearable sorrow
To run where the brave dare not go
To right the unrightable wrong
To love pure and chaste from afar
To try when your arms are too weary
To reach the unreachable star
This is my quest
To follow that star
No matter how hopeless
No matter how far
To fight for the right
Without question or pause
To be willing to march into Hell
For a heavenly cause
And I know if I'll only be true
To this glorious quest
That my heart will lie peaceful and calm
When I'm laid to my rest
And the world will be better for this
That one man, scorned and covered with scars
Still strove with his last ounce of courage
To reach the unreachable star

I Have Fallen In Love With The Same Woman Three Times
by Ninoy Aquino
set to music by Jose Mari Chan
video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qmXayOneyA
I have fallen in love
With the same woman three times
In a day spanning nineteen years
Of tearful joys and joyful tears.
I loved her first when she was young
Enchanting and vibrant, eternally new
She was brilliant, fragrant and cool
As the morning dew.
I fell in love with her the second time
When first she bore her child and mine
Always by my side, the source of my strength
Helping to turn the tide.
But there were candles to burn
The world was my concern
While our home was her domain
And the people were mine
While the children were hers to maintain.
So it was in those eighteen years and a day
Till I was detained
Forced in prison to stay.
Suddenly she's our sole support
Source of comfort
Our wellspring of hope
On her shoulders fell the burden of life.
I fell in love again
With the same woman the third time
Looming from the battle
Her courage will never fade.
Amidst the hardships she has remained
Undaunted and unafraid
She is calm, composed
She is God's lovely maid.

Prayer for a Happy Death
by Cory Aquino
Almighty God, most merciful Father
You alone know the time
You alone know the hour
You alone know the moment
When I shall breathe my last.
So, remind me each day,
most loving Father
To be the best that I can be.
To be humble, to be kind,
To be patient, to be true.
To embrace what is good,
To reject what is evil,
To adore only You.
When the final moment does come
Let not my loved ones grieve for long.
Let them comfort each other
And let them know
how much happiness
They brought into my life.
Let them pray for me,
As I will continue to pray for them,
Hoping that they will always pray
for each other.
Let them know that they made possible
Whatever good I offered to our world.
And let them realize that our separation
Is just for a short while
As we prepare for our reunion in eternity.
Our Father in heaven,
You alone are my hope.
You alone are my salvation.
Thank you for your unconditional love, Amen.
"Greater love has no one than this,
that he lay down his life for his friends."
(Jesus Christ, John 15:13)
** Please click or point cursor over an image to view its source. :)
August 1, 2009
Free our Chinese brother, Gao Zhiseng!

DAY 168: Gao Zhisheng Petition Delivered; Chinese Embassy Says "Take it away!"

American attorney David E. Taylor, a ChinaAid volunteer, delivered the petition for Gao's release to the Chinese Embassy. However, when the embassy staff saw the petition was from ChinaAid for Gao Zhisheng, she said, "I'm sorry, Sir, I'm sorry! Take it away!"
Taylor left the petition at the front door of the embassy, stating that: "The Chinese Embassy was legally served with the petition even though they tried to avoid it."
Read full statement from Attorney Taylor regarding the petition delivery.
Read full statement from Attorney Taylor regarding the petition delivery.
The Chinese government simply wants us to give up. They refuse to comment on Gao Zhisheng's whereabouts or well-being. But, we will not give up. With your help, ChinaAid will continue to travel to Washington and meet with concerned U.S. government officials and continue to gather signatures from around the world for the petition to free Gao.
Please continue to share the petition drive with your friends. Encourage them to learn about Gao's story and to take action at www.FreeGao.com.
Please also continue to financially support this critical effort. Gao's story of persecution is only one of many. But it is also a key story in exposing the truth behind China's Communist regime and its abuse of human rights.
As a result of the petition, several Congressional leaders have agreed to send a letter to Chinese Ambassador Zhou regarding Gao Zhisheng's current whereabouts and condition. It has become clear that the efforts on behalf of Gao Zhisheng are not only important for Gao, but, also, for all human rights attorneys in China.
Your prayers, financial contributions, e-mails and phone calls to Chinese government officials and sharing this campaign with family and friends are sending a cry for justice and freedom that is having impact in China and in America. We will continue to grow the petition and will not give up until Gao's whereabouts and safety are known. Please continue to "speak out" within your sphere of influence and, especially, in prayer, until Gao Zhisheng's freedom becomes reality!
To see the latest information, make an online donation, view the latest signature totals on the petition, and see photos, go to www.FreeGao.com.
» Go to www.FreeGao.com now.
This online offer is being presented by ChinaAid and The Voice of the Martyrs. For additional information, you may contact us by clicking here or calling at 888-889-7757. To view our privacy policy, click here.
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