Last night, I suddenly found it easy in my heart to forgive many people.
As in I declared out loud that I forgave each person, by name.
Not because I suddenly became a super-good person.
But simply because I heard *strange* noises.
The connection? --> I heard strange noises and got a *little* scared, and cast demons out in the name of Jesus. And claimed my protection and safety in the name of Jesus. And claimed the salvation and full life of the people in that place, in the name of Jesus.
And realized how unworthy I was to call on that name.
Yes, nobody's perfect, but God is not just good (willing to help me). He is also holy (perfect). In claiming His authority over evil spirits*, I also felt the need to be clean and release myself from bitterness and unforgiveness.
I find it embarrassing that I had to experience a "scary" situation before I finally released (or re-released) forgiveness. But, oh well. If life gives you lemons (strange noises at night), make lemonade (forgive!).
* If you believe in the Holy Spirit (or the possibility thereof), it would be easier to accept the possibility of *unholy* spirits as well.